Wednesday, April 20, 2011

when things fall apart

I really enjoyed the story "when things fall apart".  In some ways i found the piece to be very sad, okonkwos internal battle of self was heart breaking in my mind.  The story describe a fire that was inside of him that would swallow him whole and it did.  The weirdness of the piece however came when he did commit suicide.  The author feed you so much about the internal fire that was going to be the end of him and he set you up for his death to be a little more dramatic.  But instead he simply hung himself, he had come to terms with the fact that his country, his village had left their values and traditions behind and sadly that included Okonkwo.

open mic night

Alex and I went to the lumen the other night.  I was surprise don how many people were in attendance.  It was also cool how Mr. Reed noticed that we were there and the waved to us.  At some point he was try to encourage us to go on stage and read something but we had not come prepared with anything to read aloud.  I know that I personally could have tried improv. but would most likely have made a fool of myself.  The people who did read were very talented and their pieces took me aback.  I can only write certain types of poem or pros yet my peers were writing things I have only dreamed of writing, things that never flowed from my tongue with ease.  The faculty and student did an amazing job with the lumen magazine.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

the bone by Birago Diop

The bone is a really awesome story that is written by a French writer although the setting reminded me of more of a southern African type of family.  The story is about people who go out and make this awesome kill and then a man named Mor who takes the shin bone and gives it to his wife.  He tells his wife to cook the bone until its soft and the meat was falling off the bone.  His hut brother found out  about the bone and thought he should be allowed to have it to.  Mor did not want him to have any so he faked a sickness and then his death all because of  his greed.  the wife kept warning her husband that it was getting out of hand and that she was was going to loose him.  He told her to let him bury him.  After his death Awa was taken by Musa to be his wife, as soon as they got to the house he said, "Bring it ans lets make and end of it."