Friday, May 13, 2011

Mother Crocdile

One of the folk stories that i enjoyed was mother crocodile.  It was a story about how children should learn to obey there parents and when they don't listen bad things happen to them. In the story the crocodiles would not leave the resiviors when the mother said it was time because crows had informed her about a war that was coming.  The children stayed any way and then when they stayed a general was injured in the battle and the only way to cure him was to feed him three young crocodile brains.

poetry day

Poetry day was very fun and exciting.  As a class we mad three poems together and the first and third were awesome.  The one poem about tacos however was very interesting considering we were talking about the digestive system turning on himself and having bad poop.  Yet Hannah decided to turn it around and make it pass rainbows. We also wrote poems that were four lines long about  permanent objects like chairs and time.  Our final poems were four to six lines in which people had to guess the objects.  sadly Alex wrote  a beautiful poem about love and i guess diarrheal when he said ,"it burns with the red hot intensity of a thousand sun."