Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sonatina by Ruben Dario

I feel that the poem is more like a story than anything else.  I find it very visual, i picture everything as they are happening.  In the first stanza Dario sets the mood making it very apparent that the princess has given up, that she has lost faith considering their is dust on her instrument, she has slacked on keeping up her appearance, "...which have lost their smile and their strawberry red." which is obviously referring to her lip stain.  The next stanza talks about all her options for love, "the garden is bright with peacocks."  yet the princess is preoccupied or depresses deep in though believing that no matter how many men their are for her that their is not one that could actually be her soul mate, one to fill that void in her heart.The fourth stanza in the poem blatantly admits that the princess has come to a cross road where she must now choose between, " ...the lilies with the verses of may, or be lost in the wind of the thundering sea."  The following two stanzas talk about the princess and how she is exhausted of current situation, where she has finally reached the point of no return and just wants to get away, to be free and never have to come back again, "oh to be a butterfly leaving its cocoon."  In the last stanza the princesses fairy God Mother interrupts her cries for freedom and assures her that her prince charming is on the way.  but in reality does he?  who knows the author left the poem open ended i guess for us to decide her fate.

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